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St. Pius X Women's Club
All women in the parish are part of the Women's Club. The mission of the Women's Club is to invite, nurture and empower women to support the mission of the Church through fellowship, prayer and service. To learn more, reach out to a member of the executive committee: Michelle Mauer, Sheila Egan, or Stella Cross.
Click to download flyer. Fill it out and return to church collection basket or office.
St. Pius X Women's Circles
All women are invited to consider joining one of the Women's Circles. Develop friendships, find community, pray and serve together with others. As the Circles grow, people can branch off and form new Circles.
St. Anthony’s
Patron Saint of: Lost things
When do you meet: Second Monday of the month at 6:30pm
Where do you meet: A Mexican restaurant located in Mission
Age range: 35 to 75
What is your circle’s philanthropy: Angels of Grace Family Services Annual Baby Shower, St. Pius X Church Easter Vigil Mass and Reception, and John Paul II Catholic School Auction Donation
Anything else: We are a fun group of women who enjoy getting together monthly.
Contact: Diane Schmidt 913-488-3934 dsschmidt1@aol.com
St. Monica’s
Patron Saint of: Mothers
When do you meet: Last Monday of the month at 6pm
Where do you meet: At a local restaurant
Age range: mid 30s to mid 60s.
What is your circle’s philanthropy: Our main focus is supporting John Paul II school. We provide food at the annual holiday shop and donate the money we make to John Paul II. We also make donations each year to the school auction. Though the school is our focus we also have coat, sock, and underwear drives which we donate to local shelters.
Contact: Nancy Burchstead 913-710-0948 bburchstead@yahoo.com
St. Philippine (prayer circle)
Patron Saint of: Perseverance amid adversity
When do you meet: First Monday of the month
Where do you meet: in members homes
What is your circle’s philanthropy: prayer
Anything else: Members seek to strengthen themselves, the parish and our community through a consistent prayer life. We are all at different stages in our prayer lives and welcome anyone who wants to explore the vast richness of Catholic prayer in its many forms and practices.
Contact: Carla Mills 913-908-5056 ckaym2@gmail.com or
Beth Vance 913-915-3831 bethavance4@gmail.com
St. Charlotte (craft circle)
Patron Saint of: Crochet, Jewelry and Gifts
When do you meet: Friday mornings 10am-12pm
Where do you meet: St. Pius Room 202
What is your circle’s philanthropy: Our goal is to create items that can be donated to people in need. For example, rosaries, prayer shawls, baby blankets, lap blankets, and hats for those in need at St. Pius and the greater community.
Anything else: Do you enjoy crafting? Are you interested in learning how to knit or crochet? If so, this is the circle for you! The focus will be crafting a variety of items including the rosaries we currently make. Our circle welcomes anyone who enjoys crafting such as knitting, crochet, cross stitching, loom knitting or quilting.
Head person: Kathy Bauer 913-963-7128 blkhwkmom@yahoo.com or Ginny Pilarz 913-302-1305 Gingerginny@sbcglobal.net
St. Cecilia & Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Patron Saint of: Music and Musicians
St. Pius X Catholic Church -- 5500 Woodson Rd. Mission, KS 66202 -- spx@spxmission.org -- 913-432-4808